Computer network wiring (symbolic picture)

Root server with IPv6-only KVM guests (I): The basic setup

This artic­le is out­da­ted, find its repla­ce­ment in the IPv6-first guide
I’ve updated this artic­le bet­ween 2018 and 2020 con­stant­ly but final­ly deci­ded that I need ano­ther for­mat for this infor­ma­ti­on. So I wro­te the IPv6-first gui­de which you can read online as HTML or PDF docu­ment. It’s CC-BY-SA-licen­sed and its sources can be found on Github
Root ser­ver with IPv6-only KVM guests

I’ve alre­a­dy writ­ten that I’ve ren­ted a root ser­ver for mys­elf two years ago. While that machi­ne works and ser­ves things quite relia­bly, I feel it aging. It’s an Ubun­tu 16.04 sys­tem, it has only 4 GB of RAM and a quite out­da­ted Athlon64 pro­ces­sor. Due to the­se para­me­ters, it is not pos­si­ble to run vir­tua­li­zed set­ups – which I would real­ly like to do to sepa­ra­te ser­vices. E.g. that machi­ne has a com­ple­te E‑Mailserver set­up which I inten­ded to use for my pri­va­te E‑Mail but still hesi­ta­te to acti­va­te as it is rather com­plex and „manu­al­ly set­up”. I fol­lo­wed an ins­truc­tion gui­de on the inter­net which even its aut­hor says is out­da­ted the­se days.

The­re are other short­co­mings like a less-than-opti­mal Let’s‑encrypt set­up. Let’s encrypt star­ted almost at the same time as my ser­ver instal­la­ti­on and the­re have been quite some opti­miza­ti­ons sin­ce then. All in all, my set­up is aging, it is not suf­fi­ci­ent for much more stuff on it and today, you get far more capa­ble hard­ware for not so much more money.

Computer network wiring (symbolic picture)

Com­pu­ter net­work wiring (sym­bo­lic picture)

Having the chan­ce to start „from scratch” with the sys­tem design, I thought mys­elf: „Hey, it’s 2018. IPv4 has run out of address space for more than five years. IPv6 has been available for a deca­de or so. Let’s do this in a modern way.” So, I deci­ded on the fol­lo­wing basic sys­tem design:

- I assu­me to have only one IPv4 address but a suf­fi­ci­ent­ly lar­ge IPv6 net­work rou­ted to the ren­ted server.

- I build the sys­tem in a way that all „real” ser­vices run in vir­tu­al machi­nes mana­ged by Linux’ KVM system.

- The KVM „host” (i.e. the „main”, unvir­tua­li­zed machi­ne) gets the IPv4 address.

- All „guests” get only IPv6 addres­ses. No offi­ci­al IPv4, not even a dual stack with pri­va­te IPv4 and mas­que­ra­ding. Only IPv6.

- Guests can access IPv4-only ser­vices on the inter­net (yes, it’s 2018… hel­lo git​hub​.com…) through a NAT64/DNS64 gate­way on the host.

- Ser­vices on the guests are only gene­ral­ly available from IPv6 addresses.

- To ser­ve inco­ming IPv4 requests, appli­ca­ti­on pro­xies on the KVM host for­ward traf­fic to the actu­al ser­vice hand­lers on the guest if needed.

- If for any reason a guest sys­tem abso­lut­e­ly needs its own IPv4 con­nec­ti­vi­ty, it is added „on top” of the setup.

The hardware

I use a ren­ted ser­ver in the data cen­ter of a hos­ting pro­vi­der. I am using the Ger­man pro­vi­der „Hetz­ner” alre­a­dy for many years, so I went the­re for this pro­ject, too. The hard­ware is a dedi­ca­ted root ser­ver – i.e. „bare metal” – with a Core i7 Hexa­co­re CPU, 64 GB RAM, and two 3 TB enter­pri­se-gra­de Hard­disks. I ren­ted it from their „used ser­vers shop”.

Hetzner Serverbörse - Manchmal gibt es hier echte Schnäppchen

Hetz­ner Ser­ver­bör­se – Manch­mal gibt es hier ech­te Schnäppchen

For the rest of the artic­les, I will descri­be the set­up in Hetzner’s envi­ron­ment. If you use ano­ther hos­ting pro­vi­der, you will have to cope with their net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on which might be dif­fe­rent at some points. A cri­ti­cal point might be the IPv6 set­up its­elf as Hetz­ner has a very – eeeerm – „inte­res­t­ing” approach to this. Howe­ver, instal­la­ti­on of the addi­tio­nal ser­vices and the vir­tu­al machi­nes should be more or less the same regard­less of how your ser­ver is con­nec­ted to the hoster’s network.
Ok, let’s start.

IP addres­ses in this guide
IP addres­ses in this gui­de are made up. And even if not – the sys­tem I took all con­so­le dia­logs and screen­shots from is not my actu­al ser­ver. It was a spa­re ser­ver which had alre­a­dy been can­ce­led and is not under my con­trol anymore.

Initial setup of the host system

I sug­gest that you access the ser­ver in this ear­ly stage by its IP address only. We’ll chan­ge the IPv6 address of the sys­tem later in the install pro­cess. If you want to have a DNS ent­ry, use some­thing inte­rim to throw away later, e.g. „<plannedname>”.

I obtai­ned my ser­ver in Hetzner’s „res­cue sys­tem” which allows the OS instal­la­ti­on through the installimage script. I wan­ted to work with as much default com­pon­ents and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons as pos­si­ble, so I deci­ded for the Ubun­tu 18.04 install image offe­red by Hetzner.

On gene­ral setup
I stron­gly advi­se you to always stick with the offe­red set­ups from your hos­ting pro­vi­der as much as pos­si­ble. It increa­ses your chan­ce for sup­port and your chan­ces are much hig­her to find docu­men­ta­ti­on if you run into problems.

Boot­ing into the new ser­ver gives you a wel­co­ming log­in screen somehow like this:

You might want to wri­te down MAC address and IP addres­ses of the sys­tem. Note, howe­ver, that they are also included in the deli­very e‑mail sent by Hetz­ner when the ser­ver is ready.

SSH public keys in Hetzner’s install process
If you put your ssh public key into your Hetz­ner account and sel­ect it in the order pro­cess for the machi­ne, it will not only be put into the res­cue sys­tem but also into the root account of the fresh­ly instal­led machi­ne. If you work this way, you never have to enter any pass­words during the instal­la­ti­on pro­cess. You can also sel­ect it each time you request a res­cue system.

The sys­tem has two hard disks. I use them as a soft­ware RAID 1 as offe­red by the install script. This allows for at least some dis­as­ter reco­very in case of a disk fail­ure. And for sys­tems like this, I do not install any par­ti­ti­ons at all (apart from the Hetz­ner-sug­gested swap and /boot par­ti­ti­on). The KVM disks will go to qcow2 files which are just put into the host’s file sys­tem. Modern file sys­tems, for­t­u­na­te­ly, do not have any pro­blems with 200 GB files and this way, all the vir­tu­al guest hard disks are also cover­ed by the RAID.

Hetzner’s installimage pro­cess is con­trol­led by a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on file. Its (stri­ped-down) ver­si­on for the sys­tem I work on reads like this:

Just to be sure: If you use instal­li­mage (or simi­lar instal­la­ti­on rou­ti­nes from other pro­vi­ders) on an exis­ting sys­tem, all data will be dele­ted on that sys­tem. If unsu­re, check twice that you are on the right sys­tem. A mista­ke at this point may be impos­si­ble to cor­rect afterward!

Instal­ling the sys­tem this way brings a fresh and rather small Ubun­tu sys­tem on the disk. Note that ssh will com­plain mas­si­ve­ly about the chan­ged host key of the sys­tem, but that is ok. You’­re now boot­ing the instal­led sys­tem which has ano­ther host key than the res­cue sys­tem you used before.

After having boo­ted into it, I had some hours of remar­kab­ly degra­ded per­for­mance as the RAID 1 had to initia­li­ze the disk dupli­ca­ti­on com­ple­te­ly. Be awa­re of this, your ser­ver will beco­me fas­ter once this is over. Use cat /proc/mdstat to see what’s going on on your harddisks.

Once the mail ser­ver set­up is available you should enable alar­ming mes­sa­ges if the RAID degra­des due to disk fail­ure. A RAID only pro­tects against hard­ware fail­ures if the actual­ly fai­led hard­ware is repla­ced quick enough.

Test the res­cue system
This is a good moment to test whe­ther Hetzner’s res­cue mecha­nism works. Some­ti­mes, the ser­vers are not cor­rect­ly con­fi­gu­red in the BIOS and do not load the res­cue sys­tem even if this is reques­ted in the interface:
  • Acti­va­te the „res­cue sys­tem boot” in the Robot inter­face. Sel­ect your ssh key so that you do not have to enter a password
  • Reboot the machine.
  • Log­ging in via ssh after 1 to 2 minu­tes should bring up the res­cue sys­tem. Just reboot the machi­ne from the com­mand line – the­re is no need to res­cue now.
  • The sys­tem will come up again into the instal­led system.

If some­thing is wrong here, cont­act sup­port and let them sol­ve the pro­blem. If you make mista­kes in the Host’s net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, you will need the res­cue mode to sort things out.

Preparing the network settings of the host

We do now have a fresh­ly instal­led sys­tem. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, it is not quite rea­dy to ser­ve as a KVM host. For this, we first have to con­fi­gu­re a net­work bridge on the system.

I need to say here that this set­up is some „spe­cial” to Hetzner’s IPv6 approach. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, you do only get a sin­gle IPv6 ::/64 net­work. Due to the way how IPv6 works, you can not split this net­work sen­si­bly into smal­ler ones. I real­ly sug­gest rea­ding Why Allo­ca­ting a /64 is Not Was­teful and Neces­sa­ry and espe­ci­al­ly The Logic of Bad IPv6 Address Manage­ment to find out how the seman­ti­cs of the IPv6 address space dif­fer from the IPv4 one. If you have a hos­ter who gives you a ::/56 or even ::/48 net­work, you can sure­ly mana­ge your addres­ses dif­fer­ent­ly. Most pro­ba­b­ly, you will go with a rou­ted set­up. Howe­ver, this is bey­ond the scope of this guide.

We have to take what we get. This is how I set up my machi­ne as KVM host in the Hetz­ner IPv6 network.

The general start

We’ll see that the­re are dif­fe­rent net­work set­ups. Howe­ver, some steps have to be per­for­med nevertheless:

  • First, I enab­led IPv6 for­war­ding globally:
  • Also enable this set­ting in /etc/sysctl.conf to make it permanent.
  • Use ip a to get device name and MAC address of the phy­si­cal net­work card of the system: 

    Your net­work device’s name may dif­fer. It can be some­thing like enpXsY as in this exam­p­le or enoX. On all modern Linux dis­tri­bu­ti­ons, it will begin with en, howe­ver…

Here the com­mon track for all sys­tems ends. In the Linux world, mul­ti­ple net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on set­ups have evol­ved over time. The most com­mon ones are:

  • Direct set­up in con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on files in /etc/network. This is old-school net­wor­king set­up, espe­ci­al­ly when com­bi­ned with a Sys­tem-V-initia­li­sa­ti­on pro­cess. I do not cover this here but you find a ple­tho­ra of instal­la­ti­on gui­des on the inter­net for this.
  • Sys­temd-based con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with files in /etc/systemd/network. This is how many modern dis­tri­bu­ti­ons hand­le sys­tem start and net­work set­up the­se days. Ubun­tu did it until 17.04, Hetzner’s Ubun­tu did it lon­ger. I cover this two sec­tions further.
  • Net­plan with a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on in /etc/netplan. This kind of „meta-con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on” is used by Ubun­tu sin­ce 17.10 and by Hetz­ner sin­ce Novem­ber 2018 for 18.04 and 18.10. I descri­be the nee­ded chan­ges in the fol­lo­wing section.

Ubuntu 18.04 with Netplan

Ubun­tu 18.04 comes with a rela­tively new tool named Net­plan to con­fi­gu­re the net­work. Sin­ce about Novem­ber 2018, Hetz­ner uses this set­up in their install pro­cess. Note that ear­lier Ubun­tu instal­la­ti­ons are pro­vi­ded with the sys­temd-net­workd-based set­up descri­bed below.

Net­plan uses con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on files with YAML syn­tax. In most cases, the­re is only one file. Chan­ge the net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on like this:

  • You find the net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on in /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml.
    It looks somehow like this:

    Chan­ge it like this:

    You disable both DHCP pro­to­cols on the phy­si­cal device and attach it to the new­ly defi­ned bridge device br0. That bridge gets all defi­ni­ti­ons from the phy­si­cal device. It also gets the MAC address of the phy­si­cal device, other­wi­se, Hetzner’s net­work will not rou­te any packets to it.

  • After a reboot, the net­work device list should look like this: 

    Note that the phy­si­cal device enp2s0 and the bridge br0 have the same MAC address. This is intentional!

  • You should test that you can log in to the sys­tem through both IPv6 and IPv4 protocol.

Ubuntu 18.04 and other systems with systemd-networkd

Until Octo­ber 2018, Hetz­ner used a sys­temd-net­workd-based set­up on Ubun­tu, even with 18.04. If you have such a sys­tem, you get the same result in a dif­fe­rent way. Crea­ting a bridge for vir­tu­al machi­nes using sys­temd-net­workd explains the basics nicely.

With this sys­tem, you chan­ge the net­work set­up as follows:

  • Go to /etc/systemd/network.
  • Defi­ne a bridge device in file 19-br0.netdev:

    It is extre­me­ly important to defi­ne the MAC address, or Hetz­ner will not rou­te traf­fic to the sys­tem. STP seems not man­da­to­ry, does not hurt eit­her. I kept it in.

  • Assign bridge to phy­si­cal device in

  • Copy the ori­gi­nal file crea­ted by Hetz­ner (here: to and replace the matching name from the phy­si­cal device to the bridge. In fact, you only replace the eno1 (or wha­te­ver you net­work device’s name is) with br0:

  • Rena­me the ori­gi­nal file to some­thing not detec­ted by sys­temd, e.g. 10-eno1.networkNO. Keep it around in case some­thing goes wrong.

After the­se chan­ges, the phy­si­cal device has not any net­works atta­ched. This is important so that the bridge can grab it on initia­liza­ti­on. Let’s see whe­ther ever­y­thing works:

  • Reboot the system
  • If some­thing goes wrong: Boot into res­cue sys­tem, mount par­ti­ti­on, rena­me 10-eno1.networkNO back into ori­gi­nal name ending in .network. Reboot again. Inves­ti­ga­te. Repeat until it works…

Ensure correct source MAC address

Our vir­tu­al machi­nes will have their own MAC addres­ses. Other­wi­se, the IPv6 auto con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on would not work. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, the­se MAC addres­ses will also leak through the bridge into the pro­vi­der net­work and that might lead to trou­ble as the pro­vi­der does only accept the MAC address of the main ser­ver as valid.

To pre­vent such pro­blems per­form MAC address rewri­ting using the ebtables command:

I’ve added this to /etc/rc.local. On a default instal­la­ti­on of Ubun­tu 18.04, this file does not exist. If you crea­te it, make it look like this:

Replace the address in the exam­p­le with your actu­al phy­si­cal MAC address! Also, make the file exe­cu­ta­ble with chmod +x /etc/rc.local.

„The inter­net” claims that you need to add other files to sys­temd for /etc/rc.local being eva­lua­ted in Ubun­tu 18.04. At least for me this was not nee­ded, it „just work­ed”. Check whe­ther the rule has been added:

Reboot the sys­tems once more to check if the rule sur­vi­ves a reboot.

Install the Router Advertisement Daemon radvd

We have now a basi­cal­ly working KVM host sys­tem to be. Let’s start popu­la­ting it with ser­vices. The first one is the „rou­ter adver­ti­se­ment”. It’s more or less the IPv6-ver­si­on of the noto­rious DHCP ser­vice used in IPv4 set­ups to cen­tra­li­ze the IP address management.

For this ser­vice, we use the radvd rou­ter adver­ti­se­ment dae­mon on the bridge device so that our vir­tu­al machi­nes get their net­work set­up auto­ma­ti­cal­ly by rea­ding IPv6 rou­ter advertisements.

  • Install radvd and also radv­dump for test­ing through the usu­al Debian/Ubuntu
  • Crea­te the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on file /etc/radvd.conf. It should con­tain the fol­lo­wing definitions: 

    This initi­al radvd con­fig is pret­ty simp­le. We miss out RDNSS adver­ti­se­ments as we will install a bind later on the host.

  • Start radvd and make it a per­ma­nent ser­vice (coming up auto­ma­ti­cal­ly after reboot) using 

  • If you start radvdump soon after start­ing radvd, you will see the announce­ments sent by radvd in irre­gu­lar inter­vals. For some reason, radvd seems to stop sen­ding unsol­ci­ta­ted adver­ti­se­ments after some time if noo­ne is listening.

Change IPv6 address

Once radvd is run­ning, the Host will assign its­elf an addi­tio­nal IP address con­s­truc­ted from SLAAC rules. At least mine did it even though comm­ents in /etc/sysctl.conf said, it would­n’t once IPv6 for­war­ding is glo­bal­ly enab­led. Howe­ver, if this hap­pens, you will see ano­ther IPv6 address assi­gned to the bridge device.

While it is abso­lut­e­ly no pro­blem to have mul­ti­ple IPv6 addres­ses on the same device, it can make con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of ser­vices more dif­fi­cult as the cor­rect address for out­go­ing mes­sa­ges has to be sel­ec­ted cor­rect­ly. I uni­fied both addres­ses by making the sta­ti­cal­ly con­fi­gu­red one the same as the once which SLAAC produces.

For this, just get rid of the address ending in „0:0:0:2” (writ­ten as „…::2”) the ser­ver has been initia­li­zed with during install as Hetzner’s default. Do like this:

  • Use ip a to get the address. It’s the one having that cha­rac­te­ristic ff:fe sequence in the midd­le of the host part. Wri­te it down!
  • Test that ssh to that address works. It will if you just fol­low this gui­de, but if you have some fire­walls some­whe­re lur­king around, the con­nec­tion will fail. Make sure it works.
  • Load the net­work con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on again. In the sys­temd-net­workd-case it’s /etc/systemd/network/, for Net­plan it’s /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml.
  • Exch­an­ge the IPv6 address of the bridge device to the one dis­co­ver­ed by SLAAC. E.g. if you have 

    in the sys­temd-net­workd con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on file, chan­ge it to

    In /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml, look for

    and chan­ge it to

  • Reboot the sys­tem. In theo­ry, systemctl restart systemd-networkd should be suf­fi­ci­ent in the sys­temd-net­workd case, but my sys­tem beha­ved stran­ge­ly after that.
  • ssh to the new address should work. If it does­n’t, again use the res­cue sys­tem to sort it out. After all, you can set the host part of the IPv6 address of the Host to any­thing bet­ween 0:0:0:2 and ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff. The Hetz­ner infra­struc­tu­re rou­tes traf­fic to all addres­ses to the interface.
  • The sys­tem should now have three IP addres­ses on the bridge device: The IPv4 address, the glo­bal IPv6 address and the link-local IPv6 address start­ing with fe80. It looks like this: 

After having chan­ged the IP address this way, enter it into DNS:

  • Add an AAAA record in the domain the sys­tem should be reacha­ble in.
  • Add a PTR record in the hoster’s rever­sal IP ent­ries. If the­re is alre­a­dy an ent­ry for the for­mer address, you can remo­ve it by sim­ply wiping out the ser­ver name and pres­sing „Enter”.
  • While you’­re at it, also add the A record and the PTR record for the IPv4 address of the Host.
Keep DNS time-to-live short!
I stron­gly sug­gest that you set the TTL for all DNS ent­ries as short as pos­si­ble during the set­up, some­thing bet­ween 2 and 5 minu­tes. If you make a mista­ke and you have a TTL of mul­ti­ple hours or even a day, you may have serious issues with the name ser­vice as long as the TTL of the wrong ent­ries has not run out everywhere.

At this stage, lean back for a moment! The dif­fi­cult part is done. You have the net­work set­up of your KVM host up and run­ning. The rest is much easier and will not poten­ti­al­ly kill net­work access to the sys­tem. Also, the stuff coming now is much less pro­vi­der-spe­ci­fic. While the initi­al net­work set­up might work con­sider­a­b­ly dif­fe­rent with ano­ther hos­ting pro­vi­der, chan­ces are good that the fol­lo­wing steps are the same regard­less of whe­re you have pla­ced your host.

The res­cue sys­tem IP address
If you ever have to reboot your ser­ver into Hetzner’s res­cue sys­tem, keep in mind that it will get its ori­gi­nal IPv6 address ending in ::2. You will not be able to access it through its DNS name. You might want to add a DNS ent­ry for <servername> for such cases. Of cour­se, you have to remem­ber that, too…

In part II of this artic­le series, we con­ti­nue with NAT64, DNS64, and – final­ly – the first vir­tu­al machines.

This artic­le is out­da­ted, find its repla­ce­ment in the IPv6-first guide
I’ve updated this artic­le bet­ween 2018 and 2020 con­stant­ly but final­ly deci­ded that I need ano­ther for­mat for this infor­ma­ti­on. So I wro­te the IPv6-first gui­de which you can read online as HTML or PDF docu­ment. It’s CC-BY-SA-licen­sed and its sources can be found on Github


  • 2019-04-28: MAC source rewri­ting added.
  • 2019-08-05: Some typos and minor spel­ling corrections.
  • 2020-08-09: Repla­ced by the IPv6-first gui­de
This artic­le is out­da­ted, find its repla­ce­ment in the IPv6-first guide
I’ve updated this artic­le bet­ween 2018 and 2020 con­stant­ly but final­ly deci­ded that I need ano­ther for­mat for this infor­ma­ti­on. So I wro­te the IPv6-first gui­de which you can read online as HTML or PDF docu­ment. It’s CC-BY-SA-licen­sed and its sources can be found on Github

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