The Bangle.js 2 and GPS

The Bangle.js 2 and GPS – Geotracking with the Open Source smartwatch

I crea­ted a second video about the Bangle.js 2 Open Source smart­watch. This time, I con­cen­tra­ted on the GPS func­tions of the device. See me not only pre­pa­ring the watch, but also riding the bike and eva­lua­ting the data afterwards.

The Bangle.js 2 and GPS – Geo­tra­ck­ing with the Open Source smartwatch
Die­ses Video auf You­Tube anse­hen.
Kli­cken auf das Video stellt eine Ver­bin­dung zu You­tube her/Clicking on the video con­nects to Youtube.

I also plan to release a Ger­man ver­si­on of this video. It will, howe­ver, need some more days.

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