The Framework Laptop

The Framework Laptop – Unboxing And Installation

„Frame­work” is a new lap­top pro­du­cer and brand. The new and small „Frame­work” com­pa­ny crea­tes lap­tops with decent hard­ware and an inno­va­ti­ve, sus­tainable con­cept: Hard­ware com­pon­ents can be con­fi­gu­red and recon­fi­gu­red easi­ly, end cus­to­mers can do all this them­sel­ves. Ever­y­thing is easi­ly upgrada­ble, repai­ra­ble and exch­an­geable. I have orde­red such a lap­top as my new working device and in this video I unbox it, fina­li­ze its hard­ware con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and install Ubun­tu Linux.

This is the Eng­lish ver­si­on of a video I released ear­lier in German.

The Frame­work-Lap­top – Unboxing And Installation
Die­ses Video auf You­Tube anse­hen.
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