From MySQL to MariaDB in under 10 minutes

From MySQL to MariaDB in under 10 minutes – Live-on-stage migration of cantamen’s main database

Tog­e­ther with MyS­QL and MariaDB foun­der Mon­ty Widen­i­us I migra­ted the pro­duc­tion data­ba­se of my com­pa­ny, can­ta­men, from MyS­QL to MariaDB. I did this at MariaDB’s FOSDEM ’24 event in Brussels – live on stage. Watch me strugg­ling with data­ba­se ser­vers, unsta­ble inter­net con­nec­tions and shut down pro­duc­tion sys­tems in the midd­le of the day. Will we be successful?

From MyS­QL to MariaDB in under 10 minu­tes – Live-on-stage migra­ti­on of cantamen’s main database
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